Course Rating: ★★★★
CPA review courses exist to maximize your readiness, but few of them are as effective as Surgent CPA Review. Founded in 1985 by Jack Surgent, and with help from other AICPA members and accounting veterans like Liz Kolar, this program has grown to become a leader in continuing education and exam prep. Currently, Surgent delivers more than 2,600 live seminars and self-study courses a year that span every topic a CPA needs.
More recently, Surgent has become one of the most popular and effective courses as a result of its proprietary adaptive learning technology.
Surgent CPA Review Study Materials and Features
Each student enrolled in a Surgent prep course receives a score evaluating their CPA exam readiness. Referred to as ReadySCORE, these detailed analytics are presented by content area, topic, and exam question type. Your readiness rating is calibrated to mimic real CPA exam scoring. Consequently, with ReadySCORE you’ll know exactly how ready you are for the exam!
Many services from other prep courses claim to be adaptive, but none go the distance Surgent achieves. Truthfully, the most accurate way to measure your exam preparedness is through this type of adaptive learning technology. In fact, students with a ReadySCORE of 75 or more have an 88% pass rate, according to data gathered by Surgent. These pass rates are calculated by using exam scores from Surgent students via a third party platform; you don’t just have to take Surgent at their word!
Adaptive Learning Technology
Surgent employs A.S.A.P. (Adaptive Study, Accelerated Performance) technology in all of their courses. Essentially, A.S.A.P. is proprietary learning technology used to discover your unique areas of need. Afterward, it creates a custom CPA exam prep study plan to focus on where you most need help.
But that’s not all this technology does for you:
A.S.A.P. technology drastically reduces the necessary amount of study time while maximizing the effectiveness of the time used. All parts of the course—text, practice questions, and video lectures—incorporate ASAP to help you master exam topics with ease. Unlike other courses, however, you won’t be forced to watch every video, read all materials, and answer every question while studying. Surgent offers the only truly adaptive course on the market.

Take $1,110 Off Surgent CPA Ultimate Pass

Take $1,500 Off Surgent CPA Ultimate Pass
Superior Study Materials
All Surgent CPA exam review courses have over 7,700 multiple choice questions. They also offer nearly 400 task-based and document review simulations. Furthermore, these courses include 350+ videos, each of which come with customized study notes.
Ultimate Pass users also gain printed textbooks, support from CPA Exam success questions, and an additional 1000 practice questions from an integrated test bank. Additionally, an audio course is provided for those who want to study for the exam on the go.
They also offer a specialized offering called the CPArescue Pass. Its design helps students who have taken the CPA exam and failed pass once and for all.
With 8,200 MCQs, 400+ simulations, and 350+ nano-sized video lectures to give you a comprehensive understanding of the material, the ReadySCORE™ exam-readiness indicator helps track your progress. You’ll also receive e-books and lecture study notes for all 4 exam sections, saving you up to 400 hours of study time with customized study plans that adapt to your needs.
In addition, the CPArescue package includes six 1-on-1 virtual coaching sessions with a CPA Exam expert. The sessions are distributed among Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4, and each session lasts 30 minutes.
The CPArescue course also comes with a study companion app, unlimited practice exams, ultimate customer, and technical support, and a 100% pass guarantee, ensuring your success in the exam.
CPA Course Counselor
Included with both the Premiere and Ultimate pass courses are three thirty-minute sessions with a CPA Exam Success Coach. These coaches will help you create personal study and exam schedules. On top of that, they’ll help you develop test taking strategies and develop personal accountability. With these experts in your corner, you won’t have to worry about falling behind. You’re practically guaranteed to pass the CPA exam.
Course Options
Currently, Surgent offers three different course and cpa study guide options for their CPA program. But which is the best for your price range? Keep reading to learn more:
Essentials Pass
Surgent’s lowest price course is the Essentials Pass package at $999. This course includes all the essential materials for preparing to become a CPA without any extra bells and whistles. With the Essentials Pass, you’ll still be working with Surgent’s adaptive technology and will have unlimited access: just like the other two course options. The only difference is that you’ll miss out on some higher-end materials and services, such as printed textbooks and cpa flashcards.
Premier Pass
Surgent’s mid range option for CPA candidates is their Premier Pass package which costs $1599. Included with this package are a few key features missing from the Essentials package, such as printed textbooks and flashcards. On top of that, they also included one-on-one sessions with a CPA exam success coach. You get three thirty-minute sessions with these professionals who will help you work on your weaknesses and study practices.
Ultimate Pass
Surgent’s best value option is their Ultimate Pass package. Ultimate Pass costs $1999 and grants access to several exclusive features such as an audio-only course and an optional Excel course. If you’re wary of paying the full price all at once, Surgent offers 3, 6, or 12 month payment plans through Affirm. Rates range from 0-30% APR and prices can be as low as $255 a month.
Individual Exam Sections
If none of the previous packages interest you, or you only need to study for one section, Surgent also offers courses for each section of the exam. Each individual course costs $599 with an optional purchase of textbooks and flashcards. These sections are fairly barebones— only containing the adaptive technology and unlimited access—but they can be worth your time for a quick study course. Generally speaking, the full course packages are a better deal; however, certain people may find paying for individual sections more appealing.
Surgent CPA Courses Frequently Asked Questions
Are Surgent’s review materials compatible with mobile devices?
All Surgent CPA content is available on mobile. That means their software is compatible with iPads, iPhones, Android devices, and tablets. Courses also come with free access to the Surgent cpa flashcards app. Hence, it’s easy to study on the go or during short breaks.
How long is the course access period?
Students will have unlimited access to the Surgent CPA course until they pass their exam. Unlike other services, no content will expire until you pass and all course materials will be updated for free. On top of that, your READYscore will tell you exactly when you’re ready to pass the exam, so there’s no need to worry about spending too long studying.
How much video content is included in Surgent’s course?
Surgent CPA Review comes with over three hundred and fifty “bite-sized” videos. Each video is focused on specific and digestible topics and come with custom study notes. Additionally, each video has been designed by business experts to convey important topics in ten to twenty minutes instead of several hours. Other services may not care about bloat in their content, but Surgent wants their material to be as clear and concise as possible.
Surgent CPA Pros
Here are some more specific positives and negatives for anyone interested in checking out Surgent’s courses:
Tailored Course: Every student of this course will find themselves working with adaptive content tailored just for them. Thanks to Surgent’s adaptive learning technology and READYscore program, students can be assured that they’ll always be working on improving their weak areas.
High Pass Rate: Surgent boasts a very high pass rate thanks in no small part to their effective study program. Because of this, their students have a pass rate of 88%: much higher than the national average of 53%!
Speedy Support: Surgent’s support team guarantees a response within one business day if you’re taking their Ultimate course. As a result, you’re encouraged to ask questions and improve your knowledge of the material. Alternatively, many other services will make you wait up to a week for responses to support tickets; Surgent understands that your time is valuable.
Surgent CPA Cons
Expensive: Unfortunately, Surgent costs quite a bit of money, with their cheapest option costing $1599. However, it’s important to keep in mind that you’re paying for quality. Other courses may be cheaper, but they won’t give you the same returns that Surgent does. Additionally, they offer flexible payment plans if you need some help with your budgeting.
Ideal Customer
Still unsure if this course is right for you? Check the list below to see if it appeals to you.
- If you like to learn on the go, this is the course for you!
- Do you enjoy courses designed to make the most of your study time? This is the course for you!
- If you prefer to always work on your weaknesses, this is the course for you!
- However, if you learn best in a classroom setting, this isn’t the course for you.
Final Recommendation
Surgent CPA Review is well worth the price of admission. Their top class adaptive materials mean that you’ll always be working towards a new milestone. Also, your READYscore is a constant reminder of when you’ll be ready to pass your exam.
If you still aren’t sure about it, then you should at least check out their free trial. It’ll let you familiarize yourself with the course before deciding whether or not to purchase. Thanks to that, you have nothing to lose when checking out this great course!
Surgent CPA Review Discounts & Promo Codes

Take $1,110 Off Surgent CPA Ultimate Pass